Knowing dat he was coming over, I decided to bake a cake. This Honeycomb Caramel Cake which was widely talked about at ResipiNet came to mind.

When cut, the cake has got the honeycomb effect though not much and the cake turned out a nice tan (well dat was not to be .. it was supposed to be darker). Anyways, the cake was a big hit .. the whole cake was gone in hours .. need I say more!!!
My cuz who hesitated initially when I offered him the cake (k he was full from eating 2 bowls of laksa) even had 2nd helpings. His fren, T, also enjoyed it so much. T asked me "Did u bake this" .. and I jus smiled and someone else answered it for me .. hehehe

1 cup sugar
1 cup boiling water
2 tbsp butter (i used margarind)
To make caramel, heat sugar over a medium fire.
Once sugar hel melted, quickly put in the hot water and stir. (be careful of splattering sugar mixture)
Afterwhich add butter till it melts.
4 eggs
1 cup flour (i used self raising flour)
1 cup condensed milk
2 tsp bicarbonate of soda (i did away with this)
1 tsp vanilla essence
Beat eggs till frothy.
Add in milk and mix again.
Next add in the flour and bicarb and mix well.
Lastly add in the caramel.
Leave it aside for 3 hours then bake in a preheated oven (160C) for an hour.
PS - Sorry for dat lousy picture .. grr .. i still fail using macro ..